Francesco Hayez
Francesco Hayez Galleries
Hayez came from a relatively poor family from Venice. His father was of French origin while his mother, Chiara Torcella, was from Murano. The child Francesco, youngest of five sons, was brought up by his mother sister, who had married Giovanni Binasco, a well-off shipowner and collector of art. From childhood he showed a predisposition for drawing, so his uncle apprenticed him to an art restorer. Later he became a student of the painter Francisco Magiotto with whom he continued his studies for three years. He was admitted to the painting course of the New Academy of Fine Arts in 1806, where he studied under Teodoro Matteini. In 1809 he won a competition from the Academy of Venice for one year of study at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. He remained in Rome until 1814, then moved to Naples where he was commissioned by Joachim Murat to paint a major work depicting Ulysses at the court of Alcinous. In the mid 1830s he attended the Salotto Maffei salon in Milan, hosted by Clara Maffei (whose portrait Hayez painted for her husband), and he was still in Milan in 1850 when he was appointed director of the Academy of Brera there.
Assessment of the career of Hayez is complicated by the fact that he often did not sign or date his works. Often the date indicated from the evidence is that at which the work was acquired or sold, not of its creation. Moreover he often painted the same compositions several times with minimal variations, or even with no variation. His early works show the influence of Ingres and the Nazarene movement. His later work participates in the Classical revival. Related Paintings of Francesco Hayez :. | Der Tod des Dogen Marin Faliero | The Penitent Mary Magdalene | Female Nude | The Refugees of Parga (mk22) | Sicilian Vespers, Scene 1 | Related Artists: Li Ti1110-97
abstrakt akvarellAkvarell är en målningsteknik där färgen läggs på i transparenta skikt på ett tjockt, lätt sugande papper. Papper av högsta kvalitet är syrafritt och framställt av bomullslump. Det kan variera kraftigt i olika vithetstoner och tjocklek. Ytans ytstruktur kallas gräng och finns av flera slag.
Akvarellpapper levereras i block med limmade kanter runt om, så att papperet håller sig slätt, när det blir fuktigt av färgen. Lösa papper kan prepareras genom att fukta igenom det ordentligt med rent vatten och sen klistra/tejpa upp det på en styv skiva. När papperet torkat har inbyggda spänningar utjämnats, och det bubblar sig mindre, när akvarellfärgen läggs på.
Akvarell målas ofta med en tjock pensel som kan hålla mycket vätska, samtidigt som den kan formas till en mycket fin spets. Den finaste kvaliteten görs av mårdhår eller sobelhår. Mycket smala linjer kan göras med hjälp av tunna spetsiga penslar eller dragstift, som egentligen är avsedda för för tuschritning. Gamla tiders stålpennor för bläck duger också för detta ändamål. Richard Norris BrookeAmerican, 1847-1920